Land for Sale - Off Co Rd 100 N, Lot#WP009, Paoli, IN 47454 - 42.23 acres

Perfect Property For Recreation, Hunting Or Home Site In Tranquil Setting (Tract 9)

Off Co Rd 100 N, Lot#WP009, Paoli, IN | Lat/Lng:  38.5715, -86.4227

42.23 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


(Tract 9) This impressively sized property offers all the unique key features of the larger ones, with well-placed road frontage that is fenced with an old gated access point for entry. The frontage is lined with a tree hedge row that provides a nice buffer and adds privacy from the road. The open ground measures roughly three acres and offers an amazing build site. Power is running along the road, with homes in the area on well water. The select-cut forest will provide new growth and cover for the wildlife while at the same time harmonizing with new and vital food sources high in proteins essential to their diet. The deer and turkeys are all over this tract, making it a prime hunting property as well. Proximity to town is another key feature to local shopping. This is a well-rounded property that encompasses all the key attributes on the checklist. Property Features: - Buildable - Private - Excellent hunting - Trail/road system - New spring growth


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Kris Christianson
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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