Land for Sale - Off Co Rd 100 N, Lot#WP010, Paoli, IN 47454 - 28.81 acres

Budget Minded Property Perfect For Cabin, Hunting And Recreation (Tract 10)

Off Co Rd 100 N, Lot#WP010, Paoli, IN | Lat/Lng:  38.5714, -86.4205

28.81 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


(Tract 10) Large enough in size for outdoor fun and possible home site, yet budget-minded not to break the bank. This parcel is the smallest of our splits off this once 907-acre farm. This tract offers everything the rest have, but it is just a little more compact in size and price point. It is still a strong contender, with paved county road frontage and power at the road. This tract offers some open ground, nearly +/-2.75 in size, and plenty of room for a cabin, home, or camping, like the others with a select timber cut and new trails. The deer numbers on here are better than you will find in most places, not to mention turkeys are plentiful, too. This tract does offer a view of the countryside, a plus which is only found on some of the split parcels and located close to town and business for an easy commute. Property Features: - Build, camping site - Open grass ground - Deer and turkey hunting - Road, trail system


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Kris Christianson
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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