Land for Sale - off Co Rd 450 S, Lot#WP001, Washington, IN 47501 - 104.21 acres

Tillable, Harvestable Timber, And Development Potential Just South Of Washington Indiana

off Co Rd 450 S, Lot#WP001, Washington, IN | Lat/Lng:  38.5905, -87.1692

104.21 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


A tract of this size rarely comes to market in such a highly desirable location. Just minutes from Walmart and town, this property has everything going for it and starts off with just under 1000 feet of paved road frontage, making for the perfect potential for residential development. Water, power, fiber, and gas are located along the road. The tillable ground consists of +/-42 acres in crop production with great soils. This tract has 2 ponds just inside the timberline. While on the subject of timber, this property has marketable timber with a recent assessment of value and species that can be provided upon request. The hunting is phenomenal, with sightings of 15-plus deer every trip out. The forest is comprised of tall canopy trees, creeks, and river bottom brush, all perfect for holding deer—a well-rounded investment or legacy farm to add to your holdings. Property Features: - Tillable - Development potential - Ponds - Hunting - Marketable timber


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Kris Christianson
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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