Land for Sale - Off Kings Ridge Rd, Lot#WP001, Mitchell, IN 47446 - 17.36 acres

Recreational Land With Possible Home Site Near Hoosier National Forest, Tract 1

Off Kings Ridge Rd, Lot#WP001, Mitchell, IN | Lat/Lng:  38.7623, -86.6218

17.36 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


(Tract 1) Nestled on the edge of pristine wilderness, this captivating timbered property seamlessly blends with the enchanting landscape near the sprawling expanse of Hoosier National Forest. This parcel offers access to unparalleled recreational opportunities under 1 minute away. Majestic trees create a natural haven for wildlife, providing an ideal setting for hunting and exploration. A current select timber harvest is wrapping up, and marked trees are not included in the sale. The recent timber harvest will allow for a robust spring release of native forbs and vegetation, providing bedding and a food source for wildlife. With new logging trails opened up, you will be able to access the tract with ease. Beyond its recreational allure, this property unveils the potential site for a cabin or possibly the home of your dreams that harmoniously integrates with the surroundings. Water, power, and fiber are nearby, running at the road from the east side. Immersed in the tranquility of nature, where the possibilities are as vast as the forest that graces your doorstep. This is more than just land; it's an invitation to adventure, serenity, and the untamed beauty of the great outdoors. Property Features: - Hunting - Cabin site - Utilities at road - Paved road frontage - Seconds away from Hoosier National Forest


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Bill Minor
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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