Land for Sale - Off of Bill Skinner Rd, Lot#WP002, Littleton, NC 27850 - 21.98 acres

Recreational Tract Located In Littleton, NC

Off of Bill Skinner Rd, Lot#WP002, Littleton, NC | Lat/Lng:  36.4213, -77.9334

21.98 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Located just minutes from Kerr Lake and Lake Gaston, this hunting and timber property is located in the sweet spot if you enjoy the outdoors. Most of the timber appears ready to do commercial thinning at any time. The property is accessed by a recorded easement off of Bill Skinner Road. It is also located minutes from the Town of Littleton.This tract would make a good timber investment as the pine plantation is becoming merchantable pulpwood. This would make an excellent deer and turkey hunting tract with a small creek near the rear of the property being a major wildlife travel area. Black bears are also being seen in this area now.DO NOT ENTER THE PROPERTY WITHOUT A LICENSED AGENT PRESENT WITH A SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT. Property Features: - Small hunting parcel with timber opportunity


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Scott Hicks
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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