Land for Sale - Off US 64 Bypass, Tarboro, NC 27886 - 45.0 acres

45 acres of Recreational & Hunting Land for Sale in Edgecombe County NC!

Off US 64 Bypass, Tarboro, NC | Lat/Lng:  35.6250, -77.1802

45 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


For immediate assistance with this listing call Wyatt Fountain at 252-702-0750 . 45 Acres of Affordable Recreational & Hunting Land! Call Wyatt Fountain at 252-702-0750 to schedule a showing today! 45 Acres of Affordable Recreational & Hunting Land For Sale in Edgecombe County NC! The access path runs under Hwy 264 and alongside the railroad tracks with the entry point located off W. St. James St and SR 1294 next to the railroad tracks. This property has well over 1 mile of ATV / side by side trails. The terrain is rolling with sandy bottom trails and when it rains you can have some fun in the mud alongside the creek trail. There is a creek bordering some of the property line and 1 small pond and also a swamp area that has a hard bottom and clear water. These two water features combined cover approximately 1.5 -2 acres. Scattered natural lob lolly pines cover much of the property with various hardwoods mostly along the creek. The predominant soil type covering about half of the tract is Autryville Loamy Sand with Pactolus, Bibb and Goldsboro sandy soils coving the other half. The property is mostly well drained and dry on high ground with creek and shallow swamp environments making great habitat for waterfowl during the wet winter months. The property does have buried utility easements that are cleared and represent some of the trail system. Deer and turkeys are the predominant wildlife on this tract with coyotes and bobcats passing through. This property is made of of two combined tracts with one tract being in the Tarboro city limits and one tract outside the city limits. Edgecombe County does show this property within a government "Opportunity Zone". This property is minutes from downtown Tarboro with Rocky Mount 17 minutes away and Greenville 35 minutes away. Hwy 264 is just minutes from the access path. This affordable recreational and hunting property will not last long. For a birds eye view of the property visit our "LAND ID" mapping system. Simply copy and paste this link into your browser Click around and change the base layers to view shaded relief or hydrology maps of the area. This property is shown by appointment to qualified buyers. Please contact the listing agent prior to entering the property. For more information please contact Wyatt Fountain at 252-702-0750 or e-mail at wfountain@ for more information For more information on this and other land for sale in Edgecombe County, contact Wyatt Fountain at 252-702-0750 or by email at wfountain@ or visit


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoTimberland
Property Type ThreeRecreational Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Land and Farms Realty
Brokerage Link
Other FeaturesPhoto Point (10), Road/Trail (8)
Agent: Wyatt Fountain
Email Land Listing Agent
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