Land for Sale - Off Waterlily Road, Coinjock, NC 27923 - 122.74 acres

122.74 acres of Recreational and Residential Land For Sale in Currituck County NC

Off Waterlily Road, Coinjock, NC | Lat/Lng:  36.3767, -75.9257

122.74 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


For immediate assistance with this listing call John Perez at 252-325-4766. Here's your chance to own a large, versatile property with views of, and access to the Currituck Sound. This property has excellent recreational and residential potential! Call John Perez at 252-325-4766 to schedule a showing today! What a wonderful place to watch the sun rise over the Currituck Sound! Nearly 123 acres of land provides a sanctuary for wildlife including waterfowl, deer and bear. This beautiful property has several ponds and plenty of room for your favorite recreational activities or room to build your dream home. An excellent trail system makes this parcel easily accessible. It also has excellent access off of Waterlily Road. Located on a peninsula, this property enjoys great views of the sunrise to the east and sunsets to the west. Whether you're looking for a place to build an equestrian property, live year-round or use as a vacation getaway or hunting lodge, this may be the property you've been looking for! Currituck County provides so many things to do for those who love the water, the coastal life and all that it offers. Marinas, private and public, are close by as well as excellent restaurants and easy access to beaches, parks and refuges. Its proximity to Virginia Beach and the Outer Banks make it an ideal locale. For more information on this or any other properties in NE North Carolina give John Perez a call at 252-325-4766 or contact him via email at jperez@


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
Property Type ThreeUndeveloped Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Land and Farms Realty
Brokerage Link
Other FeaturesPanoramic View (1)
Agent: John Perez
Email Land Listing Agent
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