Land for Sale - Osage, IA 50461 - 83.77 acres

Floyd Land For Sale

Osage, IA | Lat/Lng:  43.2055, -92.8130

83.77 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Peoples Company is pleased to present the Spring farm, of 83.77 acres m/l of prime Floyd County, Iowa farmland located just Northeast of Rudd, Iowa. This nearly all-tillable farmland tract can be found in Section 23 in Rudd Township and includes 79.98 FSA cropland acres and a CSR2 soil rating of 57.7. The primary soil types on this slightly rolling farmland tract include Rockton loam, Ostender loam, and Terril loam. The location of the farm allows for great access with County Highway T38 frontage along the east side of the property and the gravel road, Mitchell Line St., bordering the north side. There are several grain marketing options that are accessible to this farm including a variety of grain elevators and ethanol plants. Farm is leased for the 2024 Crop year, call agent for details. Agriculture is the fabric of the economy in Floyd County, Iowa and this farm allows for a great opportunity to own a highly tillable farm in Corn Country whether it is an addition to an existing farming operation or a long-term investment for those looking to diversify their portfolio.


BrokeragePeoples Company
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Alan McNeil
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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