Land for Sale - Prattville, AL 36067 - 20.0 acres

20 Acre Potential Homesite in Prattville

Prattville, AL | Lat/Lng:  32.4697, -86.4636

20 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Beautiful 20 acre home site in the heart of Prattville! This property consist of mature towering oak trees with a beautiful creek meandering through the west portion. The land is gently rolling with a beautiful hill towards the middle of the property making a beautiful location for a home site. Wildlife is abundant on this on this 20 acres. There are several possibilities with this property. Call any time with any questions!


Property Type OneRecreational Land
Property Type TwoUndeveloped Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Alabama Land Crafters
Brokerage Link
Other FeaturesPanoramic View (1)
Agent: Jacob Walker
Email Land Listing Agent
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