Land for Sale - Rural 872 Road, Orchard, NE 68729 - 160.0 acres

160 Acres+/-, Irrigated Cropland & Meadow Knox County, Nebraska

Rural 872 Road, Orchard, NE | Lat/Lng:  42.4649, -98.2860

160 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


160 Acres, more or less Irrigated Cropland & Meadow Knox County, NE Contact Dan Rohrer for more information at (402)841-1360 Description: This farm offers a combination of irrigated cropland and productive hay meadow. The farm has paved road access and single phase electrical service. Improvements include (3) center pivot irrigation systems powered by an Isuzu diesel power unit and 3,000 gallons of fuel storage. The pivots have many updates including sprinklers, center drives, and a fieldwise unit. The irrigation systems include a 2012 Reinke 5 tower to the west, an updated Zimmatic 6 tower to the northeast, and an updated Zimmatic 5 tower to the southeast. The irrigation well #G-162195 was drilled in 2012 and is registered at 550 gpm. There are approximately 80 acres of irrigated cropland and approximately 80 acres of grassland currently being hayed. With some fencing the hay meadows could be converted to productive pasture land as well. This is a diversified farm well suited to a livestock producer looking to utilize the wind protection for winter grazing or calving along with the irrigated cropland producing abundant grain and feed. Soils consist mainly of loam, silt loam, and sandy loams. The irrigation equipment and IRS Section 180 residual fertility deductions make this an attractive investment through utilization of potential depreciation as well. With some vision, design, and management this farm could also be developed into a great upland hunting property offering great bird hunting, dog training, while also providing cash rental income from the cropland acres. Overall this is a unique tract of land suitable for any livestock producer or conservation minded outdoorsman. Call for more details! Price: $920,000 ($5,750/acre) 2024 Taxes: $2,607.82 ($16.29/acre) Parcel ID #540013472 Directions: From Verdigre, NE: Take Hwy 59 (Old Hwy. 108 ) west for approximately 19 1/2 miles From Orchard, NE:Take 523 Ave. north for approximately 9 miles to 872 Rd. (Old Hwy. 108), then 1 1/2 miles west Legal Description: NW 1/4 of Sec. 29, Twp. 29N., Rg. 8W, Knox County, NE


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoRanches
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Homestead Land & Management, Inc
Brokerage Link
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