Land for Sale - Rural, Clearwater, NE 68726 - 160.34 acres

160.34 Acres, more or less Antelope County, Nebraska

Rural, Clearwater, NE | Lat/Lng:  42.1289, -98.1505

160.34 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


160.34 Acres, more or less Antelope County, NE Contact Dan Rohrer for more information at (402)841-1360 Description: This property consists of 160.34 acres of productive Antelope County grassland currently utilized as hay meadow but could also be grazed as upland pasture. The property has electrical service and a stock well located in the southwest corner. The current operator relayed that the meadow has been producing approximately 380 large round bales of prairie hay annually. There is a mature shelterbelt through the center of the property and a line of young cedar trees planted around the entire outer boundary of the property offering exceptional wind protection for wintering or calving cows. Call for more details! Legal Description:NE 1/4 of Sec. 20, Twp. 25N, Rg. 7W, Antelope County, NE Price: $481,020 ($3,000/acre) Taxes: $1,729.86 ($10.79 /acre)


Property Type OneRanches
Property Type TwoHorse Property
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Homestead Land & Management, Inc
Brokerage Link
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