Land for Sale - SR 20 & 73, Clarksville, FL 32430 - 4.84 acres

SR 20 & 73

SR 20 & 73, Clarksville, FL | Lat/Lng:  30.4364, -85.1874

4.84 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Come check out these three vacant parcels located in a high traffic location on SR 20 and major intersections. Two of the three parcels are zoned commercial and one is zoned residential. In addition, one of the parcels is zoned for a bar/night club. These properties are located directly across from a successful gas station, the newly built Dollar General store and a quick stop ATM machine. There are no gas stations or commercial businesses located for the next 15 miles if you are traveling West on SR 20 out of Clarksville. All three parcels must be sold together. Please see the three parcel numbers below. 36-1N -10-0000-0019-0000 36-1 N -10-0000-0020-0000 36-1 N -10-0000-0014-0200


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Southern Land & Homes, LLC
Brokerage Link
Agent: Lance Clemons
Email Land Listing Agent
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