Land for Sale - Starks, LA 70661 - 82.0 acres

Hwy 12 W Tract, Calcasieu Parish, 82 Acres ≠

Starks, LA | Lat/Lng:  30.3067, -93.6960

82 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Property ID: LACALCPP82 Secluded acreage located SW of Starks in Calcasieu Parish, LA. Thirty + years natural pine and mixed hardwoods growth. Opportunity for an investment, possible farm, or recreational use. Flood zone AE-Floodway. The tract has Old River and streams running through on the east side. The tract is south of I-12, about a third of a mile from the highway. Minerals: Seller retains the mineral rights they may own. Location/Directions: GPS: 30.3067 -93.696 From Starks, head east on Hwy 12 about 2 miles. Property is on the left side. RIGHT OF ENTRY PERMIT MUST BE SIGNED AND RETURNED TO MOSSY OAK PROPERTIES, LLC PRIOR TO ENTERING THIS PROPERTY, CONTACT PAM PELAFIGUE, AGENT OR BROKER TO RECEIVE A FORM. Contact Pam Pelafigue at 337-764-9216 or ppelafigue@ for more information on this great investment. To see a list of all properties, please visit


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
Property Type ThreeUndeveloped Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties of Louisiana
Brokerage Link
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