Land for Sale - State Highway 3, Harrisville, NY 13648, Harrisville, NY 13648 - 10.0 acres

10 acre Creekfront Building Lot Pitcairn NY

State Highway 3, Harrisville, NY 13648, Harrisville, NY | Lat/Lng:  44.1746, -75.2947

10 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


10 acre Creekfront Land for Sale Pitcairn, NY! Waterfront Building Lot Just Outside of Town! Located in the town of Pitcairn St. Lawrence County. This 10-acre property offers frontage on Big Creek, a deep wide creek that offers easy Canoe/Kayak access to the Oswegatchie River. It has a great location for building a new home or to park your camper for weekend ...Click to learn more


CountySaint Lawrence
BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Kirk Goodrow
Email Land Listing Agent
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