Land for Sale - State Hwy 127, Portage, WI 53021 - 22.02 acres

Amazing Deer And Waterfowl Hunting Tract By Portage

State Hwy 127, Portage, WI | Lat/Lng:  43.5904, -89.5266

22.02 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Another great hunting tract is brought to the table. This amazing property has you covered whether you like wing shooting waterfowl or pursuing trophy whitetails. A perfect of mixture of river bottom, high ground hardwoods, tillable, and thick bedding. There is a small garden shed included to store an atv or hunting supplies. The buyer could rent out the small tillable field in front for some additional income and groceries for the deer or plant your own food plots. This property is located in the right area where you don't need large acreage to be successful. Call today to schedule a private showing. Property Features: - Great hunting property - Tillable for foodplots - Garden shed and Kayak included - Parking area - Not buildable


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Seth Gade
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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