Land for Sale - State Route 5, Lot#WP001, Newton Falls, OH 44444 - 34.73 acres

Escape To Nature In Newton Falls

State Route 5, Lot#WP001, Newton Falls, OH | Lat/Lng:  41.2105, -80.9582

34.73 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Escape to nature with this stunning 34.727-acre piece of land, perfect for all outdoor lovers alike. Located just outside of Newton Falls, this property offers A nice mixture of thick bedding and open wooded acreage perfect for holding wildlife. The property also offers natural beauty while enjoying picturesque landscapes, including wooded areas, providing ample opportunities for recreation and relaxation and a good water source. Great access with road frontage on two roads. The property also features frontage on the West Branch Mahoning River. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity. Property Features: - Excellent recreational property - West branch Mahoning River frontage - Frontage on two roads


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