Land for Sale - State Route 85, Lot#WP003, Centertown, KY 42328 - 109.65 acres

Versatile Hunting And Livestock Property With Pasture, Timber And Water Features

State Route 85, Lot#WP003, Centertown, KY | Lat/Lng:  37.3818, -86.9820

109.65 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This versatile property combines pasture, timber and water features, offering an ideal setting for livestock operations and exceptional deer and turkey hunting. With approximately 60 acres of grazing pasture, the land is equipped with fencing, cross-fencing and gates, providing a ready-to-use setup for livestock management. The rolling terrain is highlighted by timbered ridges, open grazing areas, and natural draws, creating a diverse landscape that supports abundant wildlife. Multiple creeks and drainages provide reliable water sources, while natural funnels and pinch points enhance the property's hunting potential. There are also excellent locations for establishing food plots to further attract game. With plenty of road frontage, an established entry point and utilities available at the road, the property also offers strong potential for a homesite or future development. Whether you're seeking a working farm, a hunting retreat, or a rural place to build, this property offers a unique blend of opportunity and potential. Property Features: - Versatile property combining pasture, timber and water features - Ideal setting for livestock operations and exceptional deer and turkey hunting - Approx. 60 acres of grazing pasture with fencing and gates provide a ready-to-use setup for livestock management - Rolling terrain highlighted by timbered ridges, open grazing areas and natural draws - Diverse landscape that supports abundant wildlife - Multiple creeks and drainages providing reliable water sources - Natural funnels and pinch points enhancing the property's hunting potential - Excellent locations for establishing food plots to attract both large and small game - Plenty of road frontage with an established entry point - Utilities available at the road offering strong potential for a homesite or future development - Ideal for a working farm, hunting retreat or rural place to build with a unique blend of opportunity and potential


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Matt Young
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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