Land for Sale - Sunfish Sunnypoint Road, Brownsville, KY 42210 - 119.04 acres

Hunting, Rec And Building Tract With Mature Timber And A Creek

Sunfish Sunnypoint Road, Brownsville, KY | Lat/Lng:  37.2957, -86.3882

119.04 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Final Sale Price: No price given
Listed Price: $425,000
Date Listed: 07/24/2024
This creek bottom tract has a beautiful rock bottom creek that flows most of the time, winding its way along the field edge for over ¼ mile. There are plenty of building site options with easy access to utilities. It has 190’ of road frontage and a shared driveway with a legal, deeded easement. There are approximately 7 acres of grassland, so a small hobby farm or homestead would be a great fit. The remaining acreage is all wooded. The timber hasn’t been cut in several decades. There are plenty of mast-producing oaks to keep the deer, and deer hunter, happy. If you need more acreage, there is 1 adjoining tract available of 24 acres. Contact Land Specialist Dave Skinner today to schedule your private showing. Property Features: - 7+/- acres of open land for livestock, horses, garden, etc. - Some marketable timber - Nice rock bottom creek that runs most of the time - Flat fields with rolling to steep timberland - Access to utilities - Property has road frontage but shares a driveway by a deeded easement - Adjoining acreage also available - Seller or seller's agents are licensed real estate agents


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Dave Skinner
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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