Land for Sale - TBD 150th St NW Lot#WP002, Thief River Falls, MN 56701 - 155.0 acres

Black River Hunting Property West Of Thief River Falls

TBD 150th St NW Lot#WP002, Thief River Falls, MN | Lat/Lng:  48.0971, -96.4429

155 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Located about 12 miles west of Thief River Falls and about 4 miles south of Carpenters Corner on the Pembina Trail, you will find this hidden gem on the Black River. This property is enrolled in the Re Invest in Minnesota program, which is a conservation easement to permanently protect, restore and manage critical natural resources on a property. This property consists of native grasslands, restored wetlands and Black River frontage. There are several areas of heavy willows, brush and patches of popple trees which are all good cover for whitetail deer, turkey, grouse and black bear. The deer sign was prevalent throughout, with many beat-down game trails, crossings on the river and rubs on young trees and beds scattered around the property. The property has easy access with three access points off the county road and highway. There is a trail navigating the property along the east side of the river to allow full access with a vehicle from the south to the north end. Additional land connected to this property to the west is available for sale. This one shouldn't be overlooked, as it has great hunting potential at a great price. Property Features: - Black River frontage - Diverse habitat, with native grasslands, wetlands, willow patches, brush and young popple - Easy access off both highway and county road - Hunt deer, turkey, grouse, waterfowl and bear - Property is enrolled in the RIM program - Close proximity the hundreds of acres of state land - 15 minute drive to Thief River Falls - Additional land available for sale to the west of this property


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Josh Miller
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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