Land for Sale - TBD 20th Street NE, Lot#WP001, Manvel, ND 58256 - 5.0 acres

Buildable Lots In Grand Forks County

TBD 20th Street NE, Lot#WP001, Manvel, ND | Lat/Lng:  48.0256, -97.2557

5 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Want to build your dream home out in the country or start a hobby farm to get out of the city? These 5-acre lots are in a great location to do just that. Rural water and electricity are right on the gravel road, so hooking up would be relatively expensive. Additional lots or acres are available that are not listed right now. With these being only an 18-minute drive to Grand Forks, the location is ideal. Property Features: - Great rural building lots - 18 miles to Grand Forks, 12 miles to Grand Forks Air Force Base - Rural Water and Electricity close


CountyGrand Forks
BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Joseph Erb
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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