Land for Sale - TBD 56th Street NE, Lot#WP001, Lankin, ND 58250 - 160.0 acres

Excellent Waterfowl Land And Building Site

TBD 56th Street NE, Lot#WP001, Lankin, ND | Lat/Lng:  48.2214, -98.1357

160 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Looking for the ideal spot to build your dream home or cabin with exceptional hunting opportunities? This beautiful parcel of land in Walsh County offers a perfect blend of rural tranquility and convenience. With great access to major roads, you’ll have no trouble getting to and from your property.Whether you're looking to create a hunting getaway or build your forever home, this property offers the ideal setting in one of North Dakota’s most desirable areas. Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity! Property Features: - Ideal building site - Excellent location for hunting - Very close to electric and rural water - Great access


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Joseph Erb
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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