Land for Sale - TBD County Highway 220, Lot#WP001, Stephen, MN 56757 - 199.94 acres

River Front Property Enrolled In EWP Program

TBD County Highway 220, Lot#WP001, Stephen, MN | Lat/Lng:  48.4118, -97.1111

199.94 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Here is your chance to get some nice riverfront hunting land. The land is enrolled in the EWP program. This property has some very nice features for hunting. The woods, river frontage, and tall grass make this a prime hunting ground. The land has agricultural fields, and some state land borders it. All these combinations make for a prime wildlife sanctuary. Don't miss the opportunity to get your hunting land for a great price! Property Features: - Enrolled in EWP program - River frontage on Snake river - Great access


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Joseph Erb
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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