Land for Sale - TBD County Road 137, Peetz, CO 80747 - 80.0 acres

State Line 80 Acre Dryland Parcel

TBD County Road 137, Peetz, CO | Lat/Lng:  41.0012, -103.2294

80 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Here is a parcel of productive cropland & pasture that is turn-key ready for the farmer looking to add to an existing operation or an investor looking to add to their portfolio. Consisting of mostly Platner-Rago-Dacono loams Class (2c) soils the cropland has good proven yield history. Crops grown on the property and in the area include Wheat, Milo, Millet, or Corn. Currently, all of the tillable acreage is in a crop rotation and is subject to tenant rights. The property has well maintained county road frontage on the east side and is located in a great farming area. FSA information is available upon request. Please contact the Local Listing Land Professional for questions or to schedule a showing. Property Details - Legal Description Lots 1 & 2 (24-12-53) - Mostly Prime Tillable Cropland - Annual Income - County Road Frontage - Low Taxes When purchasing a property listed by Great Plains Land Company, a Buyer's Broker, if applicable, must be identified on first contact and present at the initial showing of the property to participate in a real estate commission. If these conditions are not met, compensation if any will be at the sole discretion of Great Plains Land Company.


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoHunting Land
Property Type ThreeRecreational Land
BrokerageGreat Plains Land Company
Brokerage Link
Agent: Daniel Hunning
Email Land Listing Agent
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