Land for Sale - TBD County Road 68, Lot#WP001, Zumbro Falls, MN 55991 - 94.48 acres

Dream Building Site North Of Zumbro Falls

TBD County Road 68, Lot#WP001, Zumbro Falls, MN | Lat/Lng:  44.3152, -92.4443

94.48 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


If you have been dreaming of building your dream home in the country on majestic property, you need to take a look at this one. Build, Farm & Hunt! With rolling terrain and stunning views, it’s an ideal location to build your dream home. Hunters will enjoy a ton of field edges to hunt deer and turkey, as well as the seasonal creek that flows along the property edge. There is a deer stand elevated on old power poles in the middle of the upper field, which makes for a great vantage point for deer hunting. The property has nearly 59 acres of tillable ground, which provides a solid income, allowing this property to be a great investment for anyone looking to diversify their portfolio. The property is located just a couple minutes north of Zumbro Falls and is a short drive to Mayo Clinic and Rochester. Call Bob to schedule your own private showing. Property Features: - Buildable - 58.9± acres of tillable - Tons of deer sign - Rolling terrain - Tons of field edges to hunt - Close to Rochester - Solid investment property - More land available - Great option for a 1031 exchange


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