Land for Sale - TBD CR 3345, Avery, TX 75554 - 160.0 acres

Deer, Turkey And Hog Hunting Property With Off-Grid Cabin

TBD CR 3345, Avery, TX | Lat/Lng:  33.6380, -94.8210

160 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This is an incredible opportunity to own a prime hunting property. The property has an older cabin that is off-grid and wired for a generator. It has a large front and side porch, kitchen, and sleeping for four, but no bathroom. There is a large storage shed and a shipping container also included with the cabin. The property has various habitat with Pine and Hardwood timber, old fields, roads, and trails. Much of the pine is at a harvestable age if the new owner desires to take the income from them. Wild berries, browse, plumbs and much more provide forage and are found all throughout the property. The property is great for turkey, deer, and hog hunting, but it also has great fishing opportunities with multiple ponds. Setting on the front porch listening to whippoorwills and turkeys gobbling sure brings some great nostalgia out of this old hunting camp. Come experience it for yourself, call today! Property Features: - Deer, turkey,and hog hunting - Off grid cabin - Multiple ponds with fishing docks - Storage container and shed - Gated entrance - Pine and hardwood timber


CountyRed River
BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Justin Glass
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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