Land for Sale - TBD CR 3445, Cookville, TX 75558 - 234.0 acres

Hunting And Recreation Property With Large Hardwoods

TBD CR 3445, Cookville, TX | Lat/Lng:  33.2370, -94.8480

234 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This beautiful hunting and recreation tract is covered in mature hardwood with old-growth fields and trails helping you navigate through the property. A small pond, a large creek, and several small branches provide water for the deer and other wildlife. This would make a great place to build into your hunting dream property with its diversity of habitat and healthy deer population, with sign shown throughout the property. Gently rolling elevation adds to the look and feel of the place by creating some beautiful scenery. Located on a paved county road with good access to Interstate 30. Don’t overlook this one, call today to set up an appointment and see this beautiful property. Property Features: - Deer and hog hunting - Large mature hardwood trees - Creek and pond - Multiple trails and foodplot areas - Rolling terrain - Paved road frontage


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Justin Glass
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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