Land for Sale - Tbd Friedens Church & Link Rd Road, Seguin, TX 78155 - 0.01 acres

Tbd Friedens Church & Link Rd Road

Tbd Friedens Church & Link Rd Road, Seguin, TX | Lat/Lng:  29.6699, -97.9931

0.01 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This property is in a superb location and could provide great potential for a mixed use residential and commercial development! This is a rare opportunity to own property adjoining the Navarro ISD campuses in Geronimo! The property is located between Seguin and San Marcos just west of Highway 123 with frontage on Link Road and Friedens Church Road! The property ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Schriewer Randy
Email Land Listing Agent
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