Land for Sale - TBD Glade Road, Lot#WP001, Shipman, VA 22971 - 15.08 acres

Affordable Potential Building Lot

TBD Glade Road, Lot#WP001, Shipman, VA | Lat/Lng:  37.7216, -78.7631

15.08 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This scenic and affordable property offers the perfect opportunity to potentially build your dream home in the countryside of Nelson County! Conveniently located just 15 minutes from a major highway, this property has 300' of public road frontage, allowing for easy access and driveway placement. The gently sloped terrain leads to an elevated potential building site, providing a beautiful setting for your future plans. A mixture of hardwood and softwood timber covers the tract, with several large American Beech trees dotting the landscape. Adding to the charm, a slow, meandering seasonal creek flows through the property, enhancing its natural beauty. This is an incredible chance to own a peaceful and extremely affordable tract of land! Property Features: - 300' of public road frontage according to 1990 plat - Seasonal creek flowing gently through the back portion of the property - Extremely affordable potential building lot - Mixture of hardwood and pine timber on tract, with several large American Beech trees on the property - Gently sloped property leading to an elevated potential building site - 15 minutes to a major highway (US-29) - Zoned A-1


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Whitetail Properties
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