Land for Sale - TBD N River Road, Sylva, NC 28779 - 18.9 acres

18.9+/- Acres On Tuckasegee River!

TBD N River Road, Sylva, NC | Lat/Lng:  35.3561, -83.2407

18.9 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Here’s your chance to own 18.9+/- acres in Jackson County NC at a great price. Offering breathtaking mountain views and river frontage along the Tuckasegee River. Located just 1.5 miles from the charming town of Dillsboro, this property is in a great location in the heart of Western North Carolina. With town water and sewer nearby, this land holds potential for development, recreation, or your own mountain retreat. Enjoy fishing, kayaking, or simply soaking in the peaceful riverfront setting. Call Jeff Norwood today at 828-788-1313 to schedule a showing!


Property Type OneUndeveloped Land
Property Type TwoRiverfront
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Carolina Timber and Realty
Brokerage Link
Agent: Jeff Norwood
Email Land Listing Agent
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