Land for Sale - TBD NW Star Street, Lot#WP001, Banks, OR 97106 - 32.79 acres

Buildable Farmland Close To The City

TBD NW Star Street, Lot#WP001, Banks, OR | Lat/Lng:  45.6329, -123.1427

32.79 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Beautiful potential home site on productive agricultural land. It is less than 15 miles to Hillsboro and about 20 to Beaverton, but it feels far away from the big city. This property is in a quiet rural area with nice homes and family farms. The property is mostly level with some gentle slopes and has great views. According to Washington County Land Planning, there is a measure 49 claim in place that will allow for the building of one residence on the property. Destination winery/vineyard, farm stand, horse property, or just a beautiful place for your dream home...the possibilities are endless. Finding this much usable land so close to the big cities at an affordable price is rare! Don't miss out on this opportunity. Buyer to do their due diligence on all aspects of the property Property Features: - Buildable farmland that is close to the big cities - Surrounded by nice upscale homes and family farms - Beautiful views and great home sites - Mostly level and gently sloping - Only 15 miles to Hillsboro and about 20 to Beaverton


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Whitetail Properties
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