Land for Sale - TBD Paved Highway 71, Kimball, NE 69145 - 74.14 acres

Kimball Co., NE 74.14 Parcel #3

TBD Paved Highway 71, Kimball, NE | Lat/Lng:  41.3664, -102.1500

74.14 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Here is an affordable 74.14-acre parcel in Kimball County, NE, with approximately 58 acres enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program through 2030, paying $18.96 per acre. The CRP presents a unique investment opportunity, combining financial returns with recreational possibilities. The CRP is managed to enhance environmental health and quality, making this property not only a wise financial investment but also a contributor to agricultural practices. Paved Highway 71 frontage offers easy access and is only a short distance to Kimball, NE. There is also the potential for additional acreage if desired. Whether you’re an investor seeking reliable income or in agriculture looking to expand your holdings, this property represents a versatile and rewarding investment. Don’t miss out on the chance to own a piece of Western Nebraska, and contact your local Land Specialist today for more information. Located south of Kimball, NE Paved Highway 71 frontage CRP income until 2030 Investment opportunity Recreational possibilities When purchasing a property listed by Great Plains Land Company, a Buyer's Broker, if applicable, must be identified on first contact and present at the initial showing of the property to participate in a real estate commission. If these conditions are not met, compensation if any will be at the sole discretion of Great Plains Land Company.


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoHunting Land
Property Type ThreeRanches
BrokerageGreat Plains Land Company
Brokerage Link
Agent: Daniel Hunning
Email Land Listing Agent
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