Land for Sale - TBD Sherwood Anderson Road, Lot#WP001, Britt, MN 55710 - 40.0 acres

Stunning Property With Stand Of Red Pines And Small Scenic River

TBD Sherwood Anderson Road, Lot#WP001, Britt, MN | Lat/Lng:  47.6288, -92.7318

40 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This is an absolutely beautiful property! The property has a nice high-ground area up by the northeast corner with a gated driveway that leads up to a cleared area. Then through a portion of the property behind that island is the small yet scenic Dark River! As a backdrop behind the river is a very nice stand of red pine and other tree species. The river crosses under the road part way down the property to the south, creating a perfect setup to be able to access the timber behind the river! So, heading down that way to get around the river, when I got back to the stand of red pines, it was just gorgeous as the wind was blowing through them and the sun was peeking through the trees! There are several other tree species mixed in as well. Behind the stand of pines is also a super nice stand of aspen, which adds to this property, making it super diverse for grouse, deer, and bear, and some awesome trapping opportunities with the river cutting through the property! Rivers are a huge bonus to properties, especially when they don't cut off access to a bunch of land behind them. Behind this property to the west sits a very large amount of land owned by The Conservation Fund as well as Superior National Forest! Directly across the road is the State and Superior National Forest attached to that as well! There is also power running along the opposite side of the road from the approach. This one is one heck of a property! If this sounds like what you've been looking for, call to set up a private showing today! Property Features: - Nice high ground knoll with approach and gated entrance to cleared area - The scenic Dark River runs through the property - Gorgeous stand of red pine as a backdrop behind the river - Excellent mix of tree species and gorgeous stand of red pine - Excellent habitat diversity with timber types and the fact the Dark River runs through property - Great deer, bear, grouse, waterfowl, and trapping opportunities


CountySt. Louis
BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Kyle Herr
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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