Land for Sale - TBD State Route 606, Lot#WP001, Keokee, VA 24265 - 188.0 acres

Large Acreage With Gentle Hills, Privacy And Great Access

TBD State Route 606, Lot#WP001, Keokee, VA | Lat/Lng:  36.8150, -82.9761

188 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This beautiful property is extremely easy to access right off the main road. Significant improvements have been made to allow for easy vehicle access beyond the locked gate. A wide and flat driveway allows for quick and easy access to the privacy that awaits. There are numerous trails that meander throughout the gently rolling hills and valleys. Loaded with hardwoods, plenty of cover, wildflowers, and even a beautiful stream flowing adjacent to the driveway, this property provides a great habitat for the local wildlife. This would make an incredible hunting retreat, private getaway, or permanent residence. The region offers plenty of outdoor recreation opportunities for the enthusiast, including hiking trails, state parks, and ATV/ORV trails that are close by. Additionally, the owner explored subdividing and has survey drawings available should the new owner have an interest in exploring. Buyer/Buyer Agent to verify all information. Don't miss out on this great property at an even better price! Property Features: - Great access - Trails throughout - Great hunting opportunities - Gentle topography - Stream on property


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Graig Hale
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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