Land for Sale - TBD W Bullard Avenue, Lot#WP001, Buckeye, AZ 85326 - 72.0 acres

Development Land Near Estrella Mountain Ranch

TBD W Bullard Avenue, Lot#WP001, Buckeye, AZ | Lat/Lng:  33.1524, -112.3748

72 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This is an opportunity to own a large investment tract just south of a growing Buckeye housing development. Sixteen 5+/-acre contingence lots are being sold together within the Stardust Ranchos subdivision. Access off Bullard Avenue is maintained, and regular traffic flows from Maricopa to Buckeye. The proposed I-11 project cuts through this area, thus providing future versatility for the land. There is a transmission line near the properties to the south, panoramic mountain views, and easy access. As a bonus, large Mule deer roam the area in this archery unit. For those who can envision the future, this is a solid buy! Property Features: - 16 - 5 acre lots - Zoned RU-190 - Future growth area for residential - Bullard Avenue road frontage


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Whitetail Properties
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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