Land for Sale - TBD W of Buchanan LN, Lot#WP001, Bluff City, TN 37618 - 61.18 acres

Secluded Private Acreage Bordering The Cherokee National Forest

TBD W of Buchanan LN, Lot#WP001, Bluff City, TN | Lat/Lng:  36.4487, -82.1799

61.18 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


If you are looking for seclusion and privacy, you have found the perfect property! This property features 61.18+/- secluded acres tucked away between two adjacent properties and the Cherokee National Forest. It offers multiple potential building sites, mature timber, hunting opportunities, and ample space for recreation or a homestead. Please no drive-bys, as this property is not viewable from the road and does have a locked gate. Call today to schedule your showing! Property Features: - Secluded, borders the Cherokee National Forest - Multiple potential building sites


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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