Land for Sale - US 160 and CR 51, Walsh, CO 81090 - 139.0 acres

Walker Farms-Tract 1

US 160 and CR 51, Walsh, CO | Lat/Lng:  37.3879, -102.2824

139 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Now being offered in 3 separate tracts, Walker farms is a highly productive irrigated farm along US Highway 160 in Southeast Colorado. This property has something for everybody. Great access. Center pivot irrigation. Underground drip irrigation. Dryland farm ground. On farm grain storage. Tract 1 consists of 130 acres of drip irrigated farm ground, 6 acres of dryland farm ground, and an additional 3 acres with a 10,000 bushel grain bin. Whether you are looking for a starter farm or expanding an existing operation this property fits the bill! Call Taylor Spitzer (719)353-2334 for more information or to schedule a showing!


BrokerageGreat Plains Land Company
Brokerage Link
Agent: Taylor Spitzer
Email Land Listing Agent
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