Land for Sale - US 23, Ossineke, MI 48381 - 83.0 acres

Completely Wooded, Up North Property Very Close To Lake Huron

US 23, Ossineke, MI | Lat/Lng:  44.9189, -83.4423

83 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


The Northeast region of the lower peninsula is a hidden gem with regard to all of the beauty and recreational opportunities it offers. Lake Huron, the Ausable River, golf, hunting, fishing, trail riding and its relative slow pace are all bonuses you get when owning property on the sunrise side of our state.This parcel is located within a stones throw of Lake Huron and is only a short drive to Alpena. This tract would be a nice place to build a home and have a lot of extra room to roam while enjoying your frontage on Devils River. This parcel is home to a great population of wildlife including deer, turkey, bear and small game. In addition, this property has the potential for timber value as an investment.Please don't hesitate to call for your own personal tour. Property Features: - Heavily wooded - River frontage - Potential building spot - Close proximity to Ossineke and Alpena - Fun recreational opportunities - Close proximity to Lake Huron - Hunting


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