Land for Sale - Vernon, AL 35592 - 114.0 acres

The Perfect Hunting and Timber Investment

Vernon, AL | Lat/Lng:  33.7571, -88.1089

114 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This is a perfect timber, hunting and recreational tract. Much of the pine timber is ready to be thinned which should create instant income and improved habitat! More property is available if desired! This tract consist of 114+- total acres and has a beautiful mixture of mature hardwood and approximately 20 year old loblolly pines that are ready to be thinned. A beautiful creek meanders through a portion of the property creating water for wildlife. The property is accessed by a well maintained dirt road. This tract is perfect for the outdoors man looking to get away and enjoy the peace and quiet of nature. Call any time with any questions!


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
Property Type ThreeTimberland
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Alabama Land Crafters
Brokerage Link
Other FeaturesBoundary 1 (1), Boundary 1 1 (1), Boundary 3 (3), Boundary 3 1 (1), Boundary 3 1 1 1 (1), Panoramic View (2), Photo Point (28), Tour (1)
Agent: Jacob Walker
Email Land Listing Agent
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