Land for Sale - VL 132nd Ave, Shelby, MI 49455 - 80.0 acres

Hunters Dream With Big Timber And Cover Surrounded By Ag

VL 132nd Ave, Shelby, MI | Lat/Lng:  43.6158, -86.2322

80 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Final Sale Price: No price given
Listed Price: $224,900
Date Listed: 03/25/2024
This all-timber tract sits amongst some of the most intensely managed hunting properties in Oceana County. With agriculture to the south and west, this tract offers preferred sanctuary cover for the local herd. Opening up a few small hunt plots amongst the timber could take an already great hunting parcel to an incredible one! With its lowest elevation point near the road, this property rises to provide some beautiful mature timber to the west/northwest. Thick cover dissects the property down the middle, offering many natural funnels and pinch points for hunters staged in the north and south. The deer trails look like highways! Turkeys often frequent the ag fields on the west/northeast end and roost above the northern ridge. The diversity and location of this property are excellent; with some habitat and food plot work, it could truly be at the next level—a gem of an Oceana County hunting property. Contact us now to schedule a private tour and make next season your very best!! Property Features: - Excellent hunting, loaded with deer, turkey and other wildlife - Thick cover, mature timber surrounded by Ag - Short distance to Lake Michigan - Short distance to Shelby and Hart


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Justin Olk
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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