Land for Sale - VL Doster Road, Lot#WP001, Plainwell, MI 49080 - 10.9 acres

Gently Rolling Forested Parcel With Trails, Plot, Openings, And Paved Road Frontage

VL Doster Road, Lot#WP001, Plainwell, MI | Lat/Lng:  42.4394, -85.5408

10.9 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This rolling forested property has a trail system throughout and paved road frontage on Doster Rd. Located right adjacent to the county line, this Barry County property has trails, wildlife, openings, and room to roam—no shortage of wildlife or recreational activities on this beautiful and unique piece of property. The previous owner had a hunting blind setup and has left it for the next landowner to use and enjoy. Showings are to begin the week of 3/17/25. Property Features: - Forested Acreage - Paved road frontage - Trails - Hunting blind - Wildlife


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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