Land for Sale - V/L PRETTY LAKE RD, Mecosta, MI 49332 - 3.51 acres

Larger Timbered Lot Very Close To Pretty Lake

V/L PRETTY LAKE RD, Mecosta, MI | Lat/Lng:  43.7013, -85.2335

3.51 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This is a beautiful timber parcel located within 150+/- yards or so of the all sports Pretty lake along a paved road. The parcel appears to be a very nice property for the construction of a walkout basement-style cabin or home. The side hills of the parcel are covered with large hardwoods providing significant shade in the summer months. There is a public launch on Pretty lake and plenty of fishing, water sports and swimming perfect for family fun and relaxation. There is also directly across the paved road 5700+ Acres of state land with very limited access from other directions to hunt on. This is one of the larger parcels surrounding the lake. There are two short driveway easements that have been granted that provide access for other property owners but really do not affect this property at all. These close lake parcels rarely become available so call me for a private tour. Property Features: - Recreational Land


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Chuck Keefer
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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