Land for Sale - VL River Lake Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653 - 40.0 acres

Secluded Acreage Surrounded By Over 30,000 Acres Of Huron National Forest Land

VL River Lake Rd, Roscommon, MI | Lat/Lng:  44.5447, -84.4475

40 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


*Prior to contacting the listing agent, please note that this property does not have deeded access and is not directly accessible from a county road. Access is via an ATV trail through Huron National Forest public land approximately 2 miles off of River Lake Road. Currently, the trail is not quite wide enough for a large Truck to pass through the trail you will need a smaller vehicle or an ATV to be able to use the trail to access the land. Please see the interactive map on the listing for the exact location and property boundary lines.With that being said, If you are looking for a secluded, remote property to escape to for your up-north getaway, with a bit of creativity, this property could be a great option for you. Set back off the beaten path deep in the heart of over 30,000 acres of Huron Natl Forest lands, thick, heavy cover and wetlands combined with the remoteness of this property provide everything you need to grow and hold mature whitetails. There is also an abundance of other wildlife that call this property home as well. For the outdoor adventure lover, you also have access to miles and miles of trails for ATV riding or snowmobiling. Located SE of Grayling and not far from the Ausable River, Higgins Lake, and Houghton Lake, you can also enjoy fishing, boating, and canoeing nearby as well. Property Features: - Secluded and remote property for maximum privacy - Surrounded by over 30,000 acres of Huron National Forest - Excellent location near Houghton Lake, Higgins Lake and the Ausable River - Thick cover providing excellent habitat for an abundance of wildlife


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Jeff Chilman
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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