Land for Sale - W Jess Lyons Road, Columbus, MS 39705 - 89.81 acres

89.81 Acres in Lowndes County, MS

W Jess Lyons Road, Columbus, MS | Lat/Lng:  33.5875, -88.4472

89.81 ac.
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DISCOVER ULTIMATE RECREATION ON THIS 89.81± ACRE CUTOVER TRACT, PERFECTLY SITUATED IN THE HEART OF THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE. Located just minutes from modern conveniences, this Lowndes County, MS property offers ample opportunities for adventure and relaxation. Positioned less than two miles from Hwy 45N, this property provides quick access to Columbus, West Point, and Caledonia, ensuring you never have to sacrifice ...Click to learn more


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Agent: SMALLTOWN Hunting Properties and Real Estate
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