Land for Sale - W Pipkin Rd, Lakeland, FL 33811 - 1.52 acres

Pipkin and Yates Road Commercial Corner

W Pipkin Rd, Lakeland, FL | Lat/Lng:  27.9743, -82.0129

1.52 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Located in southwest Lakeland, this commercial corner property features high visibility at the signalized intersection of Pipkin Rd. and Yates Rd. The surrounding area is growing rapidly with 4,000 new housing units planned and/or permitted, and two apartment communities planned adjacent to the Subject Property. Nearby major employers include Geico, Draken, and the Lakeland Linder Regional Airport. In result of ...Click to learn more


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Agent: Richard Dempsey
Email Land Listing Agent
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