Land for Sale - W2 NE4 11-10-10 Lot#WP001, Minco, OK 73059 - 80.0 acres

Cross-Fenced Pasture And Tillable

W2 NE4 11-10-10 Lot#WP001, Minco, OK | Lat/Lng:  35.3592, -98.2254

80 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Talk about a place with options! With cross-fencing already in place, it just made sense to offer this property in halves and as a whole. This 80 acres is the west half of this offering. It offers a variety of different things that should check a lot of boxes. There's already a water well, electric, cross-fence, a shared stock pond, and approximately 22 acres of tillable ground that can continue to be farmed or put back into grass. Part of this property burned in a wildfire in late fall of 2024. The grass is coming back cleaner and greener. If you are wanting to build a home and the one offered in the east half of this offering doesn't fit the bill, a working water well along with electric are already in place along the north end of this property. A small run-off pond is situated along the west boundary of the property and is split where livestock are able to water from either side of the fence. Buy one tract or buy them together as one perfect sized and self sufficient ranch. Get ahold of Rustin for inquiries or to setup a showing. Property Features: - 22 acres(+/-) tillable - Water well - Electric in place - Cross-fence - Stock pond - Adjoining 80 acres with barndominium available - Burned late fall of 2024


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Rustin Hayes
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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