Land for Sale - Weldon Road, Lot#WP001, Marion, KY 42064 - 19.12 acres

Prime Tillable Investment Tract

Weldon Road, Lot#WP001, Marion, KY | Lat/Lng:  37.2873, -88.0659

19.12 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This nearly 100% tillable acreage offers a fantastic investment opportunity with 15+/- tillable acres ready for agricultural production. Buyers can secure crop rights if purchased before planting, adding immediate value to the property. With 1,500 feet of road frontage along two sides, the tract offers multiple ideal build sites with utilities available at the road, making it perfect for a future home or farming operation. In addition to its agricultural value, the property provides potential deer hunting opportunities, with Butler Creek running along the southern boundary, creating a natural wildlife corridor. Whether you're looking for a productive farmland investment or a scenic rural retreat, this property has it all! Give us a call today and schedule your private tour! Property Features: - Tillable investment tract - Nearly 100% tillable acreage - Prime investment opportunity - 15+/- tillable acres - Buyer can have crop rights if purchased before planting - Ideal build sites - Utilities available at road frontage - 1,500 feet of road frontage along two sides - Deer hunting opportunities - Butler Creek runs along southern boundary


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