Land for Sale - West 240th Drive, Lot#WP001, Waldo, KS 67673 - 358.6 acres

Diverse Farm And Ranch With Top Notch Hunting

West 240th Drive, Lot#WP001, Waldo, KS | Lat/Lng:  39.2293, -98.7281

358.6 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Final Sale Price: No price given
Listed Price: $914,430
Date Listed: 02/03/2025
Here is a well-rounded farm located in the North Central region of Kansas that is becoming more and more known as a preferred destination for large whitetail bucks. Besides great hunting opportunities, this tract provides a mix of fenced pasture, hay ground, and tillable farmland to be utilized by a producer or for added income for the investor. More income can be gained from the existing gravel pit that the county is currently pulling from. The deep brushy canyons and hardwood tree draws that spread out across this property make it a must-see hunting tract, so get ahold of a listing agent for an up-close look! Property Features: - Located 8 miles North of Luray on 281, then 2 miles West on W 230th Dr, South side of the road - 358.6 +/- total acres - 72.96 +/- tillable acres - 240 +/- hay ground or pasture acres - Hardwood and cedar canyons ideal for wildlife throughout - Proven trophy buck region - Possession upon closing - Gravel road access - Mineral rights transfer - Active gravel pit provides extra income - NW4 NW4 & S2 NW4 & SW4 & W2 SE4 of S36, T09, R13W - Covert Township


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Adam Hann
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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