Land for Sale - Woodvine Road, Port Gibson, MS 39150 - 105.0 acres

105 Acres With a Cabin in Claiborne County, MS

Woodvine Road, Port Gibson, MS | Lat/Lng:  31.8625, -90.9632

105 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


WELCOME TO THE CLAIBORNE 105, A SPORTSMAN’S PARADISE SITUATED ROUGHLY TEN MILES SOUTHEAST OF PORT GIBSON, MS! Upon entering the 105± acre property through the black iron gates and fencing, you will experience unbelievable views! This Claiborne County tract offers a 750 square foot cypress cabin with an adjacent covered area that has six RV hook-ups for friends and family. ...Click to learn more


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Agent: SMALLTOWN Hunting Properties and Real Estate
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