Land for Sale - XXX 60th Street, Lot#WP001, East Chain, MN 56039 - 60.26 acres

Diverse Hunting Property

XXX 60th Street, Lot#WP001, East Chain, MN | Lat/Lng:  43.5708, -94.2761

60.26 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This diverse hunting property is located east of East Chain in the southeastern portion of Martin County. These acres comprise upland native grass habitat with wetland habitat in the middle. In the northeast corner is a recently planted 10–row shelter belt. The diverse mix of native grasses and cattail slough makes for a good pheasant and white-tailed deer habitat year-round. When water conditions are right in the fall, this can become an excellent place to hunt ducks and Canada Geese. In the north central portion of the property is a water pump. This water pump pumps water onto the property from nearby flooded ag fields. The pump is a helpful addition in keeping the wetland acres full throughout the year. The property is enrolled entirely in the Minnesota RIM program which is managed by the county Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD). RIM is a perpetual conservation program that protects the habitat for future generations. The local SWCD office may allow for additional habitat improvements such as planting food plots or planting additional trees. SWCD may also allow for native grass management practices such as burning with prior approval. Property Features: - Excellent pheasant and waterfowl hunting property for this area - 10 Row shelter belt in the NE corner of the property - Wetland habitat for waterfowl hunting and winter cover for pheasants - Entirely enrolled in the Re-Invest in Minnesota (RIM) Program - An on site water pumping station which help add water to the wetland acres from nearby ag fields


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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