How Electric Co-ops Benefit Landowners and Developers | AcreValue
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How Local Electric Co-ops Benefit Landowners and Renewable Energy Developers

How Local Electric Co-ops Benefit Landowners and Renewable Energy Developers

By Jeffrey Nazuka
October 23, 2024

Electric cooperatives (or “co-ops”) are often overlooked when we think about energy providers. But for landowners and renewable energy developers, they offer unique advantages worth exploring.

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What Are Electric Co-ops?

Electric co-ops are community-based, not-for-profit utilities that provide electricity to rural areas. They are created by and for the local community to ensure reliable and affordable energy access in regions where large, investor-owned utilities might not reach. Co-ops operate with a simple principle: they’re owned by the members they serve, which means local residents, businesses, and property owners have a stake in how things run.

Why Electric Co-ops Matter for Landowners

For landowners, electric co-ops offer more than just an energy source. Here’s how they make a difference:

~1. Lower Costs~

Co-ops are nonprofit organizations, meaning they focus on keeping rates low. When revenue comes in, it’s either used to improve the local grid or returned to members through bill credits. This makes them a great option for rural property owners, especially those with high energy demands for farming or other operations.

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~2. Community-Centric Approach~

Since co-ops are member-owned, they prioritize local needs. This means they often offer special programs for energy efficiency, weatherization, or specific rate plans tailored to agricultural operations. So if you need a service upgrade for a new barn or an irrigation system, co-ops are usually willing to help.

~3. Flexible and Personal Service~

Co-ops are known for working closely with property owners to expand or upgrade service lines, which can be a big help for those managing rural properties. With a more localized structure, you can expect faster decision-making and solutions that fit your specific needs.

How Electric Co-ops Benefit Renewable Energy Developers

For renewable energy developers, partnering with co-ops can be a win-win situation. Here’s why:

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~1. Collaboration and Project Support~

Co-ops often welcome renewable energy projects. They understand the value of a diverse energy mix, which can bring more stability to the grid. Many co-ops are open to power purchase agreements (PPAs), making them solid partners for solar, wind, and other renewables.

~2. Support for Distributed Generation~

Co-ops are advocates of distributed generation—energy produced close to where it’s used. This can include community solar projects or smaller-scale renewable installations on farms. Co-ops often have programs that make these projects easier to build and connect to the grid.

~3. Funding and Incentives~

Because co-ops serve rural areas, they often qualify for federal and state grants aimed at supporting energy development. Renewable energy developers can work with co-ops to tap into these funding sources, reducing project costs and making development more viable.

How to Find a Local Co-Op

Whether you’re a property owner or a renewable energy developer, co-ops offer an appealing combination of affordability, flexibility, and local collaboration. If you’re looking for energy solutions in rural areas, partnering with a co-op could be the way forward. Not only can you save money, but you can also support local growth and sustainable energy development.

To see how local energy options align with your property goals, check out AcreValue’s electric retail territory map layers.

  • Log in to AcreValue: Ensure you are logged into your AcreValue account.
  • Navigate to the map: Go to the map section of AcreValue.
  • Open Map Layers menu: Locate the Map Layers menu at the top left corner of the map.
  • Open Electrical Regions dropdown: Within the Map Layers menu, find and select the Electrical Regions dropdown menu.
  • Select Electric Retail Territories: Select the Electric Retail Territories layer, then pan, zoom, and explore the map to see the layer across your area of interest.

With filters to identify properties near substations and transmission lines, you can find the right fit for your energy projects and investments.

Note: The Electric Retail Territories map layer is available to users with a Premium or Enterprise subscription. Ready to get started? Purchase a subscription or contact AcreValue Sales about an Enterprise subscription.

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